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June 19, 2024

Over the past two months, Imre, Sanne, and Jim have been diving into the world of C4 plants to see how they can help us tackle climate change. These plants are super efficient at photosynthesis, especially in hot, sunny, and dry conditions where other plants struggle. That makes them great candidates for capturing and storing […]

March 26, 2024

On February 15th, three students from the SSA took part in an engaging daylong creathon as part of the transformative project “Hardenberg Innoveert.” This initiative, in collaboration with the Hardenberg Municipality and ‘Platform Ondernemen in Hardenberg,’ aimed to convert challenges into solutions, encouraging participants to think outside the box and take concrete actions. Throughout the […]

Robotics and Mechatronics tutorial slides.

February 11, 2024

Jasmijn, Harm, Finn, Ivo, and Thijs were able to facilitate the research group Robotics and Mechatronics with tutorial material on short notice. The tutorials cover topics such as; RC/RL circuits, Sliding Mass and Voltage dividers. RAM is a well-known research group as some of our SSA members have successfully completed their theses here.

February 2, 2024

We are proud to announce our first accomplishment! In October, three students orchestrated a successful live-stream for the University’s graduation ceremony, enabling everyone invited to partake in the joyous occasion. Following this triumph, in November, we seamlessly facilitated a livestream and video experience for the (Online) Open Days of Advanced Technology and Technische Natuurkunde. Stay […]


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and the Media and Design committee of SSA