Due to Covid-19 restrictions physical open days at Universities are limited, thus less interactive. To engage potential new Advanced Technology (AT) students more with the program of AT an interactive version of the studyguide was commissioned by the staff of AT. In addition members of the SSA updated the current studyguide to make it more up to date.
The interactive version of can be visited at: https://studyguide-at.utwente.nl/studyguide/. With this site high school students can read through the content of the study guide in a more engaging way with more overview. By clicking on the ‘chronological timeline’ page the students can experience the path an Advanced Technology student would take to finish the bachelor. Besides this the site includes more information about the program (numbers and data of the study), videos/photos, interviews and contact information all to guide new students for the optimal study choice.
The staff of Advanced Technology asked us to update and review the study guide that is given to prospective AT students. We went over all content to see what was still relevant, added new information where necessary and collected fresh stories about bachelor assignments and studying abroad from our fellow students.